Vacation 2014 :D

So my two weeks vacation is coming up and i am so excited!! I know it isn’t much but it is well deserved after you have been working like i have. This is my 3rd vacation this time around and I always look forward to having some good fun,although last year i was a little disappointed because i didn’t do half of what i planned,but was still good i started my own page on Facebook and actually joined a non profit community development group,i got to draw and give out ideas on helping the elderly plus the lunch was always delicious yummy! I wonder if they will visit  this year mm.

Anyway,my vacation starts next week Tuesday,the Monday is a public holiday,so you can say it starts Monday. I have dedicated the first week to taking care of some procrastinated business,need to get some stuff out of the way,stuff like doctors appointment etc clear some room clutter etc.

The fun in the sun hopefully starts the Saturday I am thinking picnics,bike rides etc hey i don’t wanna reveal much,my fingers are crossed the second week is dedicated to beaches,some long awaited adventures,discoveries,rivers,hikes and lots of good food.

Promise to write all about it during or after,and hoping to take lots of photographs so we can reminisce together.So wish me care,fun and a great vacation.Peace.



Laurna Guiste

Nominated for Most Inspiring Blogger Award



blogger award

Thank you Annesquared at. for the very inspiring Blogger Award nominee,i am honored and I gladly accept.

There are the things that the nominee is supposed to do in order to accept the award.

1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.

2. List the rules and display the award

3. Share 7 facts about about myself.

4. Nominate up to 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their blog to let them know they have been nominated.

5. Optional : Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

Seven Facts About Laurna Guiste

1. I work at a company that sells genuine leather goods made in Columbia

2. I am afraid of heights

3. I have never traveled

4. I have a cat named Ginger Nuts

5. I am taller than my parents

6.I love to djay and make pastries

7. I am short sighted

I nominate the following blogs for the very Inspiring Blogger Award

1. Pink Ninjabi at a great poet.

2. Story time with John at a young talented writer who inspires      through giving his interesting life stories and travels.

3. The Seeker’s Dungeon at A awesome poet and storyteller

4.Let God write your Love Story

These bloggers a very great writers who inspire and motivate me some way or the other,so continue writing guys.

And yes I do want the award showed on my page,gladly:)

I am now going to link to everyone’s blog.




I can’t ,I can

This is the poem “I can” done with the video,enjoy!


I can..

Don’t let this smile fool you, its fake,
This is my new face lift, trying to hide and cover up my mistakes,
I have sort of numbed my feelings, stepped out of reality,
Because my reality, scares me, bores me, it’s kind of sad really,
The way someone hangs unto the past and let it define them,
Sort of a puppet on a string it controls them, and it mimes them
Don’t be happy be sad, don’t get angry be glad,
Sort of a up and down kind of a thing,
It’s like me and melancholy got a fling,
Go ahead; live me in my misery I Don’t care a thing,
Live me drown in self-pity, who cares anyway,
But ,
just when I am about to succumb to my wounds and wallow in my weaknesses,
I hear a still voice that surpasses,
that of any man

View original post 66 more words

God’s Pearls

The people in our life are not just there for good looks, but are really there to help you through the journey of life. I saw a video recently where this son was sort of a disturbance to his father as he only came home when it was very late and would eat ravenously, the father saw very little of him unless it was at the dinner table where he would eat hungrily causing the father to become very upset. Once he came home after one in the morning and his father rose up to find him eating in the kitchen the father started to argue and fight with him about how he behaved dismannerly, the outraged son run away from home.

The next day he went to work on a construction site that was above ground level, an accident occurred which caused this young man to fall off from the building causing him to be paralyzed from his waist down. While being hospitalized the young man lost all hope for existence, he had no appetite for food, the saddened father cried in regret as he felt for his son’s pain.

He mastered up the courage to place  his son on his  back every day in hopes of making him walk again, the father would make steps as his sons feet dragged along, it was tough and difficult,feeled with tears and pain, but they persisted, he assured his son he would walk again.

One day as they sat at the dinner table the son managed to rise from his wheelchair, in excitement he called on his parents as they witnessed him walk towards the dinner table. The family was so pleased to see him walk; they allowed him to eat as much as he could.

Families and friendships are important; we never know when the people in our lives are going to be no more that is why we have to value, love and appreciate them. Family are like precious stones that God has blessed us with, they should be taken care of and looked after, and they are all given to make our lives more beautiful.

Written by

Laurna Guiste


Press forward

Be the best you can be,be courageous,

Be strong,what ever your hands finds to do,do with all your might,

Don’t get weary,for in due season you shall reap,

Do not quit,the reward awaits those who will make it pass the finish line.

Written by 

Laurna Guiste

I can’t ,I can

I can..

Don’t let this smile fool you, its fake,
This is my new face lift, trying to hide and cover up my mistakes,
I have sort of numbed my feelings, stepped out of reality,
Because my reality, scares me, bores me, it’s kind of sad really,
The way someone hangs unto the past and let it define them,
Sort of a puppet on a string it controls them, and it mimes them
Don’t be happy be sad, don’t get angry be glad,
Sort of a up and down kind of a thing,
It’s like me and melancholy got a fling,
Go ahead; live me in my misery I Don’t care a thing,
Live me drown in self-pity, who cares anyway,
But ,
just when I am about to succumb to my wounds and wallow in my weaknesses,
I hear a still voice that surpasses,
that of any man
In the stillness I hear the words I can, I can… I can
I can choose,
To be free,
or to be mean,
To be free or to drown in sin,
Delve in my chaotic vomit, my oppression of the past,
And how they failed me
And I failed them,
Today I can,
But today,
I choose to be strong
And move on!

Written by
Laurna Guiste


Stumbling into an area of tropical rain forest, the poet sees the island as a naturally beautiful paradise where almost every herb is a medicine. Thus, this inspiration.

This unharvested vale and pastures untouched
Except few foliage, scattered and almost
Seeming random where they detach. I for once
Nature’s beauty behold. A hidden paradise
Unexplored and unexplorable.
A splendor, silent and bare.
In awe, my athwart eyes survey.

Wild avocados, Carapit
Spreading its white skeletal anchor.
A cradle to the tender lilies.
Obelisk, to the creeping moss,
And the dying sensitive grass, now alive.
Alive enough to have strength to die, and die again
To every nudge of the dandelion, the comfrey,
Holy thistles, and others else flexed by the wind.
Camouflage is the mistletoe
Upon the cedar’s bough. Tall nettles
Itching the restless air, while marigold
Arrayed in fair yellows, and greens,
Now sleeps upon the marshy ground.

And rising still, weeds and ferns and reed;
A profusion of flowers in a spectral charm.
O, unending garden! As if nature
Has gathered all of her medicine
In one single store…
Earth has not utopia to show more fair.
Perhaps, Eden’s fair beauty?… (a far off thing).

But this,
Undistant treasure, now, I see.

Book: ‘The Burning Prelude’
Copyright David Guiste 1999
(At last he gave me a poem of his to publish,the work of my writer/painter/D.J brother Daivid’s work)

The Catch..

She is afraid to leap into the ocean of love, as the fear of uncertainty grips her,will he catch her in time to keep her from drowning?

Will he rescue her?

The wind, a cold blanket,clouding her vision,
They hurt her in the past,cant look back,too afraid to leap forward,
Where does she stand?
Will the blood in his veins run through the cold pavement,as the roots of trees and find its way to her heart,make her believe in him,trust him.
Trust him enough to catch her,

She wants him to be her warmth,her anchor, her shield
but he is yet to comfort her,yet to prove any heroic skills,
but that smile

Standing near the edge,rubble at her feet,
she peers down,Rocks like a thousand blades
Water as deep and dark as the knight
who might never come..

Written by Laurna Guiste

Be the best you can be

Be the best you can be,
Embrace this woman; be yourself, hiding behind self pretense and hypocrisy won’t make you accomplish anything.
Let your flaws show, for by being naked you allow us to see you the real you,
Embrace your form, your uniqueness,
Your resilience bounces at the edge of your bountiful curves,
You are worth more than you’re cracked up to be,
You are precious,
Don’t let anyone tell you different,
You are important

You’ve been hurt and put down for far too long,
Dance, shout, and sing your song,
You deserve to be seen and heard,
Make your mark in this world
You go girl!

Written by
Laurna Guiste

This World is Not Our Home – It’s a prison of sin.

This World is Not Our Home – It’s a prison of sin.
Therefore let us not build permanent structures in temporary shelters.
Jesus didn’t come with softer beds & comfy pillows to make prison life comfortable.
He didn’t bring a divine maintenance crew with gallons of fresh heavenly paint to cover up the holes & cracks of the prison walls.
Jesus came “…to set the captives free.” Luke 4:18. Jesus isn’t seeking to remodel, redecorate or recondition our world – He seeks to liberate us from it. We’re in the world but NOT of the world.
Financial bondage, relational bondage’s, substance abuse bondage’s, sexual perversion bondage’s, or whatever It is that is holding you back;
Jesus is more than able & willing to set you free. Today we can be liberated from prison power.

Written by
Dante Daniel Lane